April 2022; Conversation (Part 2) Henrik Syse (PRIO) with Betsy Kawamura (W4NV)

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Betsy Kawamura on Women, Peace and Security in North East Asia




Henrik Syse, PhD

Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) /

Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, Björknes University College /

Editor, Journal of Military Ethics /

Freelance lecturer /   Member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee 2015 - 2020



Below were the basic questions asked by Dr. Syse:

A.  What are your observations on the current Russian war on Ukraine, and its potential impact on North Asia, especially Okinawa ?   


B. You have been preoccupied about the RAA - Recreation and Amusement Association - military prostitutionin post WWII Japan organized between US-Japan.Can you tell us a bit about this, and why it is relevant for today ? 


C.  I understand your colleagues in Japan/Okinawa strongly wish for revisions in the Status of ForcesAgreement between Japan and USA - Can you tell us a bit about this, in view of Women, Peace and Security Issues?


D.  Do you have a kind of 'wish list' of how the United Nations can engage better on elucidating issues ofWomen, Peace and Security issues from regional Asian basis?  February 2021; Conversation Henrik Syse (PRIO) with BetsyAnd do you have any special messages for the POTUS Biden and the new White House Council on Gender Policies?

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