
Welcome and Warmest Greetings!


Dear Reader,


This website is designed to facilitate dialoging, teaching and communication for survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and all groups concerned about the welfare of those affected, especially in conflict-affected areas globally. Many of the survivor women and men in Southern regions and Far East Asia, including diaspora do not have the necessary resources and opportunities to understand what United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and related resolutions on women, peace and security are, as well as why they are important. This website was created in response to survivor-groups who wished to 'catch up' on the latest news and developments regarding UNSCR 1325 (and allied resolutions) and their impact at The Hague. We also wish to receive input from our users and readers globally to initiate and catalyze future resolutions encouraging women in political platforms.  We are a member of the Coalition for the International Criminal CourtInternational Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions CoalitionInternational Network of Museums for Peace, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Norway Forum 1325 and North Korea Freedom Coalition, and contributor to various others, to forward survivors' and diaspora voices!


We are currently focused on the gendered aspects of the rising tension in Far East Asia, such as prevailing problems of the presence of the US military in Okinawa, refugee women from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and territorial disputes in Far East Asia Regions.  Please see our pages on Voice of Free North Korea and Eyes of Free North Korea. Our work emphasizes the role of media and journalism to forward women's  voices, especially from 'closed regimes' where Article 19 can not be practiced. As western broadcasters such as BBC endeavour to enter regimes such as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, we hope to follow these trends to 'champion' women's and dissident voices.  We also acknowledge the critical role men play in all of our work, such as actively engaging in gender equity programs toward healing!


As survivors of GBV and various diaspora communities, we understand the urgency of effective dialogue to demand action by State decision-makers and actors, and the critical role of ethical media/journalism.  We will embrace our users' raw and genuine responses and suggestions on UNSCR 1325 and allied resolutions to effect global policy improvements! A 2012 report by Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue based in Geneva discusses the role of women in peace and democracy-building in Burma/Myanmar.


In the submenu Recent Developments you will find further information on W4NV activities and communication. In the main menu you can select W4NV Mission, background information on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and Far East Asian issues. Meanwhile, please do join us on FaceBook, Twitter and read about Current and Upcoming Events in the top right-hand column. Also in this column you can read our pages with Google Translate.


Thank you very much for your interest in our work and we look forward to your feedback Welcome! 


Betsy A. Kawamura, Founder

Women4NonViolence in Peace+Conflict Zones

Oslo, Norway       +47  970 028 19

Honolulu, USA    +1 808 726-9311

Registered in Norway 2012. No. 998751217 


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